jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Finding Forrester

Sean Connery in Finding Forrester , ASTOUNDING...
a previous version of Le intouchable movie. To my opinion, same plot and same characters, wondering around their lives and finding friendship among each other. I know movies from the past tend  not to be ones plate for a lazy afternoon, but eventhough its less touching than the other,  it´s tenderly sweeter.

Every production media and parlour have gathered around Le intouchable movie because, at the end of the day, is a novel movie , born and with brand new characters, but let´s not forget about this same guideline plot that was launched in the year 2000.

Typical black boy from the Bronx, Jamal, who is very smart but ain´t got the  guts to show it  in public cause hes mates will think he´s a looser. Pristine exam records, but showing-off character , eitherways school ends up noticing him and proposing the entrance to a private school, more to his condition.

 As a kiddo of 16 years old he shows no interest but for basketball , being one of the best around the bronx rink. It all changes one day when as a bet with his friends sneaks into an old mans house, who happens to spy on them out of mere boredom through the window. Like couriosity killed the cat , he drops his backback  while sneaking into his flat and ends up knocking at his door to begin a conversation.

 Turns out that this old man called William Forrester( played by Sean Connery ) is no one else but a famous writer left in the shadows because of past hurtful events. This character intrigues us with a background, which he shows no intention of sharing until you get to the middle plot.

 An old man who doesn´t suffer fools easily.
When dropping his backpack William  peeps into Jamal´s assignments and ends up reading the boys journal. Furthermore, he discovers an immense potential hidden inside the boy´s unwilling desire to write. Jamal is clearly an on-the- ball type of kid.
William ends up assisting and showing this young writer the path into his world, the path into the world of words.

Every day, sharp after school ,Jamal joins William in a private personal scriptwriting class. What at first glance seems only productive for the kid himself, ends up enormously fulfilling to William.
Encouraging the kid to:

" Punch the keys for god´s sake "( to an old, perhaps, Olivety typewriter).
"Don´t think, just write"
"Writers Write so readers can read".
Such inspiring words, if we think too much, most of the things we want to say never exit our minds. If you´re meant to be a writer you must just set hands on your keyboard and start writing whatever nonesense pops out of your mind. There are uncountable readers, but only a close knit group who will like what you write. So write for those people, regardless of the others.

Back to the movie....
Jamal starts handing out impecable essays and one of his literature proffesor´s doesn´t buy it. So here comes the typical character you wanna punch the screen for. Meticulously doubting about the kid and making his life hell. Fascinated with his work , but unable to give him the credit because he himself was denied the publishing of one of his scripts.

A story about the unexpected friendship of two opposites. A tenderly script aimed and carefully written for its expectators. How within this relationship they both find the beauty of life. Can´t do nothing else but applaud to the very last scene that made me cry instantly.

Now type your own melodies....

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