martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

The Graduate

I was looking for a 1960s movie one night I felt like going backwards to old cinema and I chose "The Graduate". I can`t believe I hadn't seen it so far, as a major fan of Simon and Garfunkel,singing "Missis Robinson song"always ignoring it came from this movie. If you a fan of Simon and their : <helllooo darkness my old frienddd> this is your movie.

I think I had to write a post,not because it is an amazing script, but because it reminded me how sensual old cinema can be and how modern cinema has lost that sparkle. In a time when words were more spicy than images.

Take a look back, in the history of cinema and remember how accentuated a kiss could be,exagerated and passional, or how the plain dialogue between actors could wake up all your senses. Films have lost that. Sometimes seeing a treasure trove like this movie can show us how cinema in some aspects is getting worse day to day.  How the mystery and the charm of the chase has got lost with randomn meaningless sex scenes.

Actually the plot of the Graduate doesn't make much sense. Okey, it is true a young man could be seduced by an old lady and have a secret affair with her,but by any chance on earth will he later fall in love with the daughter. Either you continue having sex with the mother,or walk away. you don't go after the daughter.
Are you kidding me? Who would ever think of the idea of even dating a guy like that? (eventhough I might as well punctuate Dustin Hoffman looks Fuckable in this movie) IMPOSSIBLE!

But as it is a movie, and one of the most famous for its scandalous plot for the time, I must make a post on it.....Awarded an Oscar, couldn't be anything less....

   Most salient of the movie is Missis Robinsson played by Anne Bancroft. But before her I would mention Dustin Hoffman as Ben who was nominated as best actor. He makes a good acting, playing a dummy unexperienced little graduate, discovering sex as a novice. Mouth-opened  and hallucinated over the                             experience of  mature Missis Robinson.
Whereas Missis Robinson, with every wrinkle in her face shows the coming of age. Apart from being old, she looks incredibly stunning for her age wearing garmets.Highlighted her incredible leopard coat (her outfits on the movie are returning again in 2013 for women middle aged imagine...).

Returning to the movie. So,when young Ben's (Dustin Hoffman) parents throw a party to honor their recent graduated son, Missis Robinson (as friend of the family) can`t miss the opportunity to hit on this young elixir of life. Off she goes to seduce a boy who is in the process of becoming an adult.

Actually, the way they have a secret affair and the difference between ages, moreover the girl being the one having sex to a young boy, makes you keep on watching. All in all you know its not going to end up well....
Story swaps direction when Ben meets Katharine Ross as Elaine Robinson, obliged by his parents to take her for a date ends up hypnotized by her and decides to end things up with the mother.

Poor old Missis Robinson.....Rest of the movie...I leave it to you if your curiosity tickles you.
Kinda Nasty Ben huh? Don't judge him,too much attention for the time,probably got overwhelmed!!!

  I think this movie symbolizes the Aging of a woman that once was stunning and had the world to her feet, playing with men to her own wish, always getting what she wanted. Eventually one day "reaaaaaliiiityyyy BITES" and she realizes shes getting old. A very hard phase to confront for every woman worldwide!

So cheeers to Missis Robinson who hooked up with a Yogurt!

jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013



I've been long time preparing a post about this series and what laughing explosion it implies, but I just can´t describe it in this tiny little blog you got to go online and hook up to it.
I know there is a particular friend who will LOOOOOOVE this know who you are Boooob;) 

Starring hilarious(cause she can´t have any other description) Zoey Deschanel, that to me was unknown before seeing this series, but now I can't place her in any other field than laughter. This peculiar normal girl makes you laugh hysterically. Is the type of friend I sorround myself with. A cheering, immature and most caring type of girl friend. Her amazing sense of humour makes this tv series a top knotch! A huge disadvantage is the quantity of the episode, just twenty minutes, when you just can't cope with so much laughter. It's somewhat like a new version of "FRIENDS",number one series of all times, in which what's actually funny is the dialogue between its characters.
The more freaky the more funny, because people like to laugh at everyday situations and magnified things that happen to everyone in their daily grind.

    New Girl premiered on fox on september 20, 2011 ,series that has reached Golden Globe Awards and got this girl nominated as best actress. It all sets in USA when Jess (Zoey Dechanel ),who works as a teacher in an elementary school of L.A is cheated by her boyfriend and decides to move to an appartment where three dudes live. Three, each one of them totally peculiar.

I introduce you to..................................

1) Jake Johnson as Nick Miller.
Can't imagine this series without Nick and his anger issues, or the peculiar way he has of reacting to situations. Totally excentric and weirdo, a complete mess without a job who dreams that his novel about zombies(which he has written  one page ) will make him famous. A Guy that never shows his feelings, but everybody knows what happens to him everytime because of the looks in his face.

Max Greenfield as Schmidt... 
Pronounced as: "SCHMIIIITZZZZ".. The most lovable of them all. A girly type of boy, who was once fat as a donut and since he got skinnier, works everyday in his image and takes total care of himself. I can't count the times he says and does stupid things,wearing his cashmere sweater(always impecable).Looks up to Nick since high school.  

Larmorne Morris as Winston Bishop: Friend of both since school ,who at first doesn't strike you the most with his jokes, but further on has more role and makes you realise his sense of humour is full of intelligence.

Cece played by Hannah Simone:   Jess's best"model" friend since they where young, indian hotty with which Schmitz is totally in love with.

All in all live together in their boyish way of living and all this changes when Jess moves in. Each one of them begins to rely on her in different ways.
The every day situations you live when sharing a flat with flatmates.
Who hasn't heard about the topic: "I think its better to live with boys they can understand better and are careless."
There is an enormous upcoming trend to mix up flatmates of different genders. This is because boys are thought to be very easy going when it comes to living.
Theygo in and out the flat. Watch movies, eat, watch movies, do sports, eat , take showers and never ever judge you or get angry at you. Not like girly fights in which you did "something amazingly horrible divided  into 3 multiplied by four", in which by no way on earth you are going to speak to her again, because she did something just <too damn incredible to forgive>. Finally, at the end it is a complete ridiculous nonsense and you avoid  each other in the kitchen because you are at your "I won't talk to you if you don't apologize first" moment.

Every 20 minute episode makes you keep on just fall in love with the characters. You wouldn't change any character , their face expressions and acting are first-rate.

All in all, New Girl is a series HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!  
This series makes you value friendship and how no matter how complicated things are you can always sorround yourself with people who make you laugh...
Life ,as Jess says, is easier and happier if you LAUGH &SING!!! 
So highfive to this cheerfull SPIRIT!!!

10 dollars to Douchebag jar if you don't like it!