martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Fried Green Tomatoes

A heart can be broken, but it keeps beating just the same......

Okay, I know A classic...but well you know me, I dig´em out of the soil, the old movies that everyone has forgotten to watch....
Fried Green Tomatoes ,my grandmas and her sister´s favorite, they used to watch it uncountless times when something was worrying them sick.

A movie with lots of values directed by Jon Avnet and made from the book by Fannie Flagg.
A the story of a housewife Evelyn, (played by Kathy Bates) unhappy with her life,who happens to meet an old lady called Ninny (Jessica Tandy) in the hospital that starts  telling her old stories.
And it´s all thanks to this stories that she begins to have a reason to smile.

Here comes the story of Idgie Threadgoode (Mary Stuart Masterson) and Ruth Jamison (Mary Louise Parker) and how "Fried Green Tomatoes" emerged.
The loss of a beloved old brother leads the way of this story. Idgie ,young as ever, grows apart from his family when loosing Buddy and only makes friendship with Ruth( his brother´s girlfriend). With the help of Ruth they get Idgie back on track.

When they both heal , after Buddy´s death, they become "the best of all friends". It´s unclear whether this two had a relationship. There was a bit of  a contradiction with this movie because it was 1991 ,and Hollywood, so they had to be careful how they treated sexuality  at those times.
Eitherways, despite all the clamour, they were good friends and stood up for each other.

  Its practically after Ruth leaves and gets married that they have to go rescue her from the hands of  a husband who mistreats her. They take Ruth with them and build the "Fried Green Tomatoes" station bar. In this bar lots of blacks help and work for them both, at a time where the ku kux klan was emerging and there was begining to be a hatred against black people.
In this part I highlight the act of lovable Big George( Stan Shaw) who takes care, as a big daddy, of everyone in the Bar.
The movie takes part practically entirely in this Bar and all the situations which continue to arise daily:
 the plight against the black, the persistant harrasing of Ruth´s ex-husband..... but all in all, lives the good ambiance and strong friendship of all its workers. They have become a little BIG family and no one can invade their fort.

Parallel to this story comes the one of Evelyn Couch( taking part simultaneously) how she becomes intrigued and delighted with Idgie´s story and as the expression says : "takes it home" .
A hidden personality arises inside her which she had forgot she had, accustomed to listen and avoid making decisions, she stands up for her own ideas and rebels against her daily grind.

It´s incredible to see how a person can change your life, how when Evelyn had given up on life, an encounter with an unexpected person makes THE CHANGE.
 A Marvelous story where two people  meet at a concrete period of time and need the help of each other, Evelyn to make a change in her life and bring out her personality and the old lady from the hospitals need to remember her stories and avoid them to die inside her.

We should all do what we want , regardless of what others might think of you or try to impose behaviors in your life. You must always be honest with yourself and do as you wish.

There are a thousand times I wan´t to smash a Car, go psycho and just scream:

TOOOOOOOOOOOOOWANDA! its a warriors shout calling for an order in your life, advising you to Take a grip and confront a situation!

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