Played by Meryl streep and Shirley MacLaine directed by Mike Nichols(1990).
I have a thing for mother-daughter movies, I always get extremely emotional with them.
This plot takes us to the hollywoood of the 90s, with all the hollywood gang and its actors, all the peculiar sets and the tough implications making a movie. Meryl streep plays Suzanne Vale, a substance addicted hollywood actress, who despite being born at the top is unhappy and this has a lot to do with her mother´s education. The mother, Doris Mann played by Shirley MacLaine is a mother who was once a talented incredible woman,but ends up as a stubborn alcoholic. All that glitters in Hollywood is not gold, you can have it all and still be the most unhappy.
It all beg,ins with the overdose of meryl streep related to old hollywood overdoses. It all starts at a set when she's acting and we can tell she´s high. Late in the morning she wakes up with a randomn dude who carries her to the hospital. She´s paraletic and ain´t making sense of herself, so they end up moving her down to a detox service where she makes peculiar friends. In these scenes you can see the relationship she has with her mother and I can tell they have way too much shit from the past. Eventhough the mother tries to get closer, there´s always a pushing away reaction from Suzanne.
What a surprise when director of the movie Lowell Kolchec played by Gene Hackman forces Meryl to live with her mother, in order to keep her from harming herself, untill the movie finally is finished. Hilarious to mention is Suzanne´s face when being suggested this situation. Shirley MacLaine is the typical mother who likes showing off, as a young talented singer and actress, loves to shadow her baby and attract all the attention to her. Not was my surprise when Meryl starts singing in a party and right afterwards mother does the same. A totally self-centered character who cannot enjoy her daughter´s success. I can understand this would annoy anyone on earth!
All in all, there´s always time for love and here comes the character of Jack Faulkner played by Dennis Quaid. A handsome lad who likes to hang around on set and tells lies to all the actresses just to take them to bed. Eitherways, incredibly funny appearance of this character making Suzanne even more phsycotic.
I love the scene when Susanne tip toes back home, after spending a night with Jack and her mother is awaiting drinking in the sofa.
-Doris: "Why did you turn away from me ?I just want you to like me I just want to be your friend...Everytime I try to get close to you,you push me away. I came from nothing and I made something out of my life, you come from somewhere and your trying to make nothing out of yours. I think you should just get over what happened to you in your adolescence it is time to move on."
Mother is little by little approaching Suzanne and beginning to realize she may have a part to blame for the attitude her daughter has developed.
During the film making and all along the movie we see the improvement in their relationship and you end up wanting to hug your mother. Because at the end of the day ,darlings,nobody loves us more than our mothers and mother there`s one and only.