A way back to our childhood.
I´ve never seen a movie as touching as this one. I just came out of the cinema and had this gigantic need to write it rapidly, for fear I might forget something. It is full of meticulous mini details that embelish my heart(hahah sorry for this repellent expression, I just had to). I am completely over the moon. Marvelous Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson , as lovely as ever, totally complementing one another. Director John Lee Hancock couldn´t have chosen a better couple, they fit like a duck to water, I will come back to analize tactifully and specifically Emma Thompson's interpretation. I am afraid to make a movie critic that demands the most delicate sensibility there is in the world, cause its a true story based on events. A story that took place in those incredible Disney Studios by the hand of the grand child entertainer Waltz Disney.
Its the story of Ms Travers the writer of Mary Poppins, a woman who recreates her life without knowing it, in a book indirectly based on her life.
Who hasn´t watched as a kid Mary Poppins and laughted at those pinguins dancing ,or dreamed about seeing this peculiar nanny approaching your window with an umbrella.
Its a story she lived,a story so precious and private that I can understand it was the writers wish to leave it as it is. Her treasure trove, avoiding big productions to steal it from her. Everyone at some point in their lives has watched Dick Van Dyke dancing Chim Chim Cheer-ee. It´s the child we have inside our adult exterior, the child Ms Travers had decided to forget.
Saving Mr Banks sets the battle from Waltz since 20 years ago for the exclusive rights to Ms travers novel to make it a movie, because he had promised it to his daughter(and he´s a man who keeps his promises). So when Ms Travers finally comes to the Studio, mainly on a need not to her liking, Mr Disney puts all his effort in satisfying the particular needs of this writer.
The grumpy attitude of our character Ms Travers gets on the nerves of everyone of the Studio, making them remain quiet or else all the movie script will be over. It´s incredibly funny to see these concrete acts. We can see Waltz getting really Clingy on her trying to make her rebel an evasive attitude disappear.
The story of Mary Poppins was written by Ms Travers at an adult age to alude a figure she once met in her childhood and was important to her past, and guided her to become the woman she has turned into. A figure who sew all her family together when everything was going wrong. All along she´d looked back to her memories with sadness and its the Sparkle of Watz Disney and its crew with its ridiculous lyrics, songs and colours which brings the beloved joyfull attitude back to Ms Travers. No one could give a better ending for her father but Waltz himself. A caricature kind of man who looks on the bright side of life, and as the hard childhood he had, has grown up to put a smile on thousand of generations of kids all over the world.
And thank you,Ms Travers, for giving the rights to this movie and left it in the hands of Waltz, an incredible story and a necessity to be told your way. One of the first times Disney included real characters in her movie, and not cartoons.
Amazing set up, truly heartbreaking and real. Tears assured accompanied by laughter all along the movie (not the one you laugh alone in hidden disguise, the one where all the cinema joins you).
This movie will receive a spate of likes, I´m sure,and probably my guess for the Oscar is gonna be for Emma.