Howdyy!!Couple of readers who follow me! I know i've been absent throught the days but I have been dealing with tremendous stress and travelling. I started working at two jobs, moreover I just got back from Erasmus exchange where I had the time of my life and didn't bother about writing!!!LOL!
But I'm back now, and ready to give you some more movies to set an eye on!!!
If you are keen on meaningful movies check this CRYIIIIIIIIIIIING ALERT movie!!!!!!!!!!Pretty Heart touching I should say..
I came across it in my Erasmus (HELL YEAH!!!!)exchange , as I mentioned above...
Since I'm a complete MOVIEAHOLIC I couldn't miss the chance of watching this movie in big screen, played on an ancient retro cinema in Finland.
Script by Ol Parker adapted from the book by Deborah Moggach. This movie tells the story of a Hotel owned by Dev Patel (famous for slumdog millionaire), a boy that has made his way to Hollywood without doing it on purpose and has shared acting wirh some of the greatest like Judi Dench.
This movie brings together seven people with seven stories that cannot pass unnoticed. Each one of these stunning, delicately chosen characters has a reason to leave everything behind and move to this exotic but unfinished hotel in the middle of India. A place where the mystical, calmness and beauty coexists with its customers.
It's rather slow-motioned at the beginning, but all in all you do not want it to end. In the middle of the movie you feel you know the characters and stroll along the storyline laughing and crying with them. When you are old, people tend to forget to live they lose their energy and decide that their time has passed and they have already done everything in life. Moreover, if they haven't done everything in life, they forget about it and get comfortable with the idea "my train has passed, it is pointless now". Here is where this movie stands out. It is never too late to begin new stories. It is true, you are old , so what? There are more old people like you that can remind you how being young was and bring a smile back to your grumpy face again.
Nowadays, society is forgetting about our elderly,those seniors who once drank a beer with you, rode a bike or laughed while dancing with that boy or girl in the town celebration. Elderly people have a power young people don't. They have all the stories and experience about life that really matter.
What most strikes me about this movie, apart from its breathtaking scenery of India and its soundtrack by Thomas Newman, is its characters.
Judi Dench cannot be anything but the center of attention. Her face shows endless heart-touching expressions that will make you cry from minute one. Every wrinkle on her face and her penetrating look has extraordinary stories to tell that you will discover along the movie. Furthermore, Ronald Pick up and Celia Imrie, the movies "elder youngsters". Two old people that do not let age remind them what they can or cannot do. To keep track we can't forget about Maggie Smith roleplaying an excentric british grandma that has to have surgery rapidly and can't go anywhere else but India. She's totally freaked out with Indian people, and India traditions and can't eat anything but her Uncle beans and chocolate bars from England( you know how peculiar English people are with their foods and traditions :P, but I love them)
How everyone can be happy, no matter the age or time, living in the middle of a broken hotel in India.