BLUE JASMINE starring stunning Cate Blanchett, named by her step mother after her favourite flower.
They say that when Woody Allen calls or writes a letter to choose you for one of his movies, you instatly have to agree! And in this movie, Woody Allen has discovered a real gem, Cate Blanchett!
Movie starts with Cate Blanchett as Jasmine French on a plane mumbling and venting to and old women about her life, endlessly speaking without even noticing granny wants to step away.
"I'll call you for lunch", she says. "Oh wait I don´t even have your number". Granny´s all: who´s this psycho bimbo speaking to, just leave me. This reminds me I´m somewhat of a verbal harraser, I talk too much and frequently go on and on until I don´t even know if the person is still listening hahahah. ´
Jasmine French( such a chick and posy name by the way) leaves the plane after flying first class as a recent broke Newyork socialite who's having a nervous breakdown cause her husband Hal ( Alec Baldwin) is jailed for stealing uncountable money from honorable people.That´s the vanilla of the Sundae.
Being abandoned by everyone, included her son, she heads to the mini flat where her middle class sister lives in a desperate call for recovery. Inside her Louis Vuitton Suitcase from New York she comes with:
-a despicable husband who not only ,has made a fortune by stealing others people´s money, but is also a Pig women cheater who has fucked practically everyone right on Jasmine's face.
- A bag of Pills to deal with her anxiety and allucinations
All her luxury has been taken from her and she no longer recognises who she is, cause she´s capricious and needs money warmth. No money, so she substitutes it with pills and Vodka or her SPLENDOROUS martini´s.
No surprise then was when she deliberatly starts talking to herself on the street. Because of this, her lovely sister Ginger ( Sally Hawkins) finds in her heart the ability to forgive her step sister and decides to take care of her. Giving her the opportunity to do something with her life, get back on track. Here, we are not talking to a normal person, we are talking to a spoiled glitzy person who is completely unstable and insane. So this makes Cate Blanchett´s acting superb!!!

Surprise to us spectators was when she decides she wants to become an interior decorator(on the suggestion of her beloved Ginger, with all the patience of the world) oh but wait, she doen´t have money , so yeah , she´ll do it online, but she doesn´t know how to use a computer HAHAHA. She ends up accepting a job as a dentists secretary in order to pay for her computer lessons. After an indecent preposition like Michael Douglass one in "disclosure" ,from the freak disgusting dentist, she becomes even more screwed. Picks on her sister entirely the whole day, reffering to her bad tastes in men and her ability to pick loosers. Like what does she know when her super millionaire
husband turned out to be an ass! Off this character goes and makes the same mistakes all over again. She attends a party invited by her friend from the computer lessons. She´s out for the same target: A rich man who can rescue her from the ground, rescue her from the dirt she believes she doesn´t deserve to be in. She´s spoiled and for that her inner nerves are colliding and corrupting
her. More pills, more pills , more alcohol and more monologues with herself as a phsycotic schyzophrenic.
I just love her acting!!!!! It's not about her husband´s corruption nor about his cheating on her, it's all about money and has always been about money.
She wants her diamonds , her loss of money has drove her to hell ,to her own hell. Down the hill she goes, rolling down all over the movie with her nervous collisions and crazy acting makes as laugh from minute one. First rate acting on a role I hadn´t seen Cate Blanchett before. A new high in a remarkable career as an actress.
Hitherto I want to alude to her clothing aswell. They say money doesn´t bring elegance and that the person isn´t elegant because of what she wears ,but by itself. BULLSHIT! If you can afford expensive textures and textiles be damn sure you´ll be the queen of the party. It´s true though that you need style ,cause honey if you wear brands, but ain´t have a clue how to wear them you would be picked upon as an ARGHH with bad taste!
Astory about how a woman can be flashlighted by all the goods and agreed to be spoiled.
A standing ovation, an incredible act. In a recent interview for Empire magazine UK she said:
"Working for woody is like a gladiatorial spot. You either sink or you swim, but when you are out there,trying to battle the lions,I did get a sense of what the film was.......alive. That much energy and that much care is fantastic."